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Microfoundations of Institutions
Emerald Publishing Limited 2019

The notion of microfoundations has received growinginterest in neo-institutional theory along with an interest inmicrofoundational research in disciplines such as strategic management and economics

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Microfoundations of Institutions
Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019
Descripción física:
1 online resource (469 pages)
Mención de serie:
Research in the Sociology of Organizations Ser. ; v. 65, Part B
Nota general:
Practicing Capitals Across Fields: Extending Bourdieu to Study Inter-Field Dynamics
Intro; Microfoundations of Institutions; Contents; List of Figures and Tables; Figures; Tables; List of Contributors; About the Contributors; Arguments and Institutions; Introduction; Argumentation Theory; Argument Structure; The Toulmin Model of Argument; Arguments and Institutions; Topic #1: Arguments and the Nature of Taken-for-Grantedness; Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization; The Meaning of Silence; Topic #2: Arguments and the Macro-Micro Divide; Bridging Levels of Analysis; Institutional Complexity at Two Levels; Topic #3: Arguments and the Political Dynamics of Institutions
Power and HegemonyA Theory of Institutional Politicization; Methodological Considerations: From Content to Structure; Conclusion; References; Rituals of Critique and Institutional Maintenance at the United Nations Climate Change Summits; Organized Events as a Sites for Studying Institutional Critique; Empirical Context and Method; Findings; Forms of Critique in UN Climate Policy; Critique and Actor Positions Over Time; Discussion; Postscript; Acknowledgements; References; Framing Fairness: Microfoundations of the Moral Legitimacy of Alberta's Oil Sands; Introduction
Fairness as Microfoundation of Moral LegitimacyMethodology; Data Sources and Analysis; Findings: Framing of Fairness In and Around Regulatory Review Hearings; Period 1: 1960-1972 Oil Sands Challenges Conventional Oil; Period 2: 1973-1989 Federal Government Challenges Provincial Jurisdiction; Period 3: 1990-2010 Oil Sands Development Outpaces Conventional Oil, Causing Activists to Target Oil Sands' Environmental Practices; Discussion and Conclusion; References; From Cruise Director to Rabbi: Authoring the Agentic Self through Conventions of Narrative Necessity; Introduction; Theory
Four Conventions of Narrative Necessity in Narratives of the SelfResearch Context and Methods; Findings; Conventions of Narrative Necessity in Tim's Career Narrative; Discussion; The Role of Conventions of Narrative Necessity in Identity Work; The Role of Conventions of Narrative Necessity in the Constitution of Agency; References; Melting Icebergs vs. Spectacularization: Storytelling of Conflicting Institutional Demands in Wildlife Documentaries; Introduction; Institutional Analysis and Storytelling; Research Context; Methodology; Mixed-Method Narrative Analysis; Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative AnalysisFindings; Alternation; Amplification; Discussion; References; Microfoundations and Recursive Analysis: A Mixed-Methods Framework for Language-Based Research, Computational Methods, and Theory Development; Introduction; Methodological and Theoretical Overview; The RA Framework; Recursive Analysis: A Framework; Recursive Analysis: A Case Study; 1. Dimensionality Reduction: Reducing the Problem Space; 2. Pattern Recognition: Identifying Deep Structure; 3. Generalization: Generating Theoretical Constructs; Recursive Analysis: Implications; Conclusion; References
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
1128194576 1128199217 1149415395
9781787691278 ( electronic bk.)
1787691276 ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Haack, Patrick. Microfoundations of Institutions., Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019 9781787691285
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Research in the Sociology of Organizations Ser

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