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cover The Semantics of Aspect and...
The Semantics of Aspect and Modality : Evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew
John Benjamins Pub. Co. 1997

"The semantics of aspect and modality" will be of interest both to linguists working on temporality, as a general phenomenon in language, and Hebraists investigating the semantics of the verbal forms in biblical Hebrew. Tense, aspect and modality are among the most challenging discussed areas of language. Similarly, the semantics of the verbal system in biblical Hebrew has been investigated since the Middle Ages. Galia Hatav provides extensive critical overviews of research in both areas, and suggests a new approach for analyzing the biblical Hebrew verb system, showing it to be tenseless. The o.

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The Semantics of Aspect and Modality : Evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew
Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., 1997
Descripción física:
1 online resource (234 pages)
Mención de serie:
Studies in language companion series (SLCS), 0165-7763 ; v. 34
THE SEMANTICS OF ASPECT AND MODALITY EVIDENCE FROM ENGLISH AND BIBLICAL HEBREW -- Editorial page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1. Introduction -- Temporality in Language -- 1.1 Tense and Aspect -- 1.1.1 Reference-Time -- 1.1.2 Modality -- 1.2 The Verbal System in Biblical-Hebrew -- 1.2.1 The Problem -- 1.2.2 The Corpus -- 1.2.3 The Biblical Hebrew Verb System and the Temporal Parameters -- 1.2.4 Method -- NOTES -- Chapter 2. Sequence -- 2.1 Definition of Sequence -- 2.2 The Sequence Aspect in Biblical-Hebrew -- 2.2.1 The Sequential Forms
2.2.2 Formulas, Hyhdiyadums and paraphrases -- 2.2.3 wayhi: and wha:ya: -- The Predicative Function of wayhi: and wha:ya: -- The segmentational function of wayhi: and wha:ya: -- 2.2.4 The Non-Sequential Forms -- 2.2.5 The Biblical Hebrew Forms and Tense Interpretation -- NOTES -- Chapter 3. Inclusion: The Progressive Aspect -- 3.1 Definition of The Progressive Aspect -- 3.1.1 Inclusion and the Narrative Discourse -- 3.1.2 The Interaction of the Progressive Aspect with the Aktionsarten -- 3.2 Inclusion in Biblical-Hebrew -- NOTES -- Chapter 4. Modality
4.1 Necessity and Possibility -- 4.1.1 Epistemic ""must"" and ""may"" -- 4.1.2 Future Statements -- 4.1.3 Conditionals -- 4.1.4 Counterfactuals -- 4.1.5 Generics and Habituais -- 4.1.6 Deontic Modality -- 4.1.7 Negation and Interrogatives -- 4.2 Modality in Biblical Hebrew -- 4.2.1 The Modal Forms -- 4.2.2 The Non-Modal Forms -- 4.3 Conclusion -- NOTES -- Chapter 5. The Perfect Aspect: Simultaneity, Anteriority and Backgrounding -- 5.1 Definition of Perfect -- 5.1.1 Simultaneity -- 5.1.2 Anteriority -- 5.1.3 Backgrounding -- 5.1.4 Counterfactuals -- 5.2 The Perfect Aspect in Biblical Hebrew
5.2.1 Simultaneity in BH -- 5.2.2 Anteriority in BH -- 5.2.3 Backgrounding -- 5.2.4 The Perfect Aspect and Modality -- 5.2.5 Conclusion -- NOTES -- Chapter 6. Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research -- References -- Name Index -- Subject Index
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Materia Título preferido:
Bible. Old Testament- Language, style
Bible. Old Testament.
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Hatav, Galia. Semantics of Aspect and Modality : Evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew., Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1997 9789027230379
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Studies in language companion series ; v. 34

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