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cover Africa development indicato...
Africa development indicators. the potential, the problem, the promise
World Bank 2009

Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 (ADI) provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available in one volume. It puts together data from different sources, making it an essential tool for policy makers, researchers, and other people interested in Africa. This year's ADI addresses the issue of youth employment. The report shows that success in addressing youth employment in will not be achieved and sustained through fragmented and isolated interventions. Instead it finds that an arching guideline for addressing the youth employment challenge is the need for an integrated strategy

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Africa development indicators. 2008/09, Youth and employment in Africa : the potential, the problem, the promise
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2009
Descripción física:
1 online resource (vii, 206 pages) : illustrations, map
Variantes del título:
Youth and employment in Africa : the potential, the problem, the promise
Mención de serie:
Africa development indicators ; 2008/09
Includes bibliographical references
Foreword; Acknowledgements; Youth and Employment in Africa -- The Potential, the Problem, the Promise; Introduction; Stylized facts about youth and labor markets in Africa; Policy response requires an integrated, multi-sector approach and close monitoring; Conclusions; Essay references; Indicator tables; Users Guide; Technical notes; Technical notes references; User's Guide: Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 CD-ROM
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
326877895 495380014 500981965 512961788 646808299 722712401 728057830 756718027 842256731 935270709 961539632 962633635 974435980 974521816 981560171 981862925 988530235 992099198 1005944195 1037512338 1037914875 1038591815 1043463778 1045458586 1055318058 1081264361 1083561605 1088981688 1101718890 1114368281 1153493449 1162066853 1202565317 1228565517 1229175678 1274130824 1274138827 1289427258 1290038403 1300799396
9780821377956 ( electronic bk.)
0821377957 ( electronic bk.)
Materia Geográfica:
World Bank
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Africa development indicators, 2008/09., Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2009 9780821377871 0821377876 (OCoLC)268787881
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Africa development indicators ; 2008/09

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