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"The 3-dimensional graphic scores used on the album Star System are subsets of the Hayward Tuning Vine, which arose out of a desire to visualise the harmonic space implicit within the microtonal tuba. Each of the balls represent pitches, and the struts between them musical intervals. In Star System (side A), the musicians orbit once around the star-like structure, revealing the harmonic space implicit within it. In Square Dance (side B), the various squares and rectangles within the score are gradually explored by the musicians, analogous to a slow dance through harmonic space." (cubierta posterior)
musica Rebiun34303265 sd bsmennmpnne 230728s2014 no zzn eng d SOFALP544 Sofa FJM 198524 FJM Microtub (Conjunto musical) Star System Microtub. [Noruega] Sofa 2014. [Noruega] [Noruega] Sofa 1 disco sonoro 30 cm 1 disco sonoro Música Interpretada [rdacontent] audio [rdamedia] disco sonoro [rdacarrier] analógico microsurco 33 1/3 rpm estéreo Cara A: Star System -- Cara B: Square Dance Grabado por Kristoffer Lo. Masterizado por Helge Sten. Microtub está formado por: Robin Hayward, tuba microtonal en Fa; Kristoffer Lo, tuba microtonal en Do; Martin Taxt, tuba microtonal en Do. Grabación realizada en Sjobygda Art House en Selbu (Noruega) en abril de 2013. "The 3-dimensional graphic scores used on the album Star System are subsets of the Hayward Tuning Vine, which arose out of a desire to visualise the harmonic space implicit within the microtonal tuba. Each of the balls represent pitches, and the struts between them musical intervals. In Star System (side A), the musicians orbit once around the star-like structure, revealing the harmonic space implicit within it. In Square Dance (side B), the various squares and rectangles within the score are gradually explored by the musicians, analogous to a slow dance through harmonic space." (cubierta posterior) Tríos (Tubas) Música microtonal Grabaciones sonoras Música experimental.