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Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies
Springer London 2010

The future of the World Wide Web depends on its ability to understand and automatically process content to enable computers and people to work in cooperation. Now more than ever, new advanced techniques and intelligent approaches are required to transform the Web into a universal reasoning and semantic-driven computing machine. The Web intelligence discipline attempts to deal with this challenge by exploiting information technologies and artificial intelligence approaches to design the next generation of web-empowered systems and future Internet services.(QA(B(3H(BThe Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies' book provides valuable references and cutting-edge technologies for anyone interested in exploring how semantic techniques and technologies can bridge the gap between users and applications on the Web. This book presents cutting-edge research in the field of semantic technologies. Its seventeen chapters are arranged into four parts and identify interdisciplinary challenges in the areas of the Semantic Web, artificial intelligence, and knowledge-based services. The chapters provide analysis and insight into semantic Web techniques and are authored by reputable scientists in the field. All articles are self-contained to provide the greatest reading flexibility and aim to serve as a reference for researchers in the Semantic Web community


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Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies [ Recurso electrónico] / edited by Youakim Badr, Richard Chbeir, Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien
London : Springer London, 2010
Descripción física:
XVI, 544p. : digital
Mención de serie:
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 1610-3947
Documento fuente:
Springer eBooks
The Dilated Triple -- Semantic Web Technologies and Artificial Neural Networks for Intelligent Web Knowledge Source Discovery -- Computing Similarity of Semantic Web Services in Semantic Nets with Multiple Concept Relations -- General-Purpose Computing on a Semantic Network Substrate -- Agent Technology meets the Semantic Web -- Mining of Semantic Image Content Using Collective Web Intelligence -- Suited Support for Distributed Web Intelligence Cooperative Work -- Web services and Software Agents for Tailorable Groupware Design -- Toward Distributed Knowledge Discovery on Grid systems -- Metamodel of ontology learning from text -- An Analysis of Constructed Categories for Textual Classification using Fuzzy Similarity and Agglomerative Hierarchical Methods -- Emergent XML mining -- XML based information systems and formal semantics of programming languages -- Modeling and Testing of Web Based Systems -- Web-Based Support By Thin-Client Co-Browsing -- NetPay Micro-payment Protocols for three Networks -- Enforcing Honesty in Fair Exchange Protocols
9781849960779 978-1-84996-077-9
SpringerLink (Online service)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Printed edition: 9781849960762
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 1610-3947


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