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cover Electronic "Beowulf" [edite...
Electronic "Beowulf"
British Library 2011

This manuscript-based third edition supersedes all previous versions of Electronic Beowulf. It is designed to meet the needs of general readers, who require a full, line by line, translation; of students, who want to understand the grammar and the meter and still have time in a semester to study and appreciate other important aspects of the poem; and of scholars, who want immediate access to a critical apparatus identifying the nearly 2000 eighteenth-century restorations, editorial emendations, and manuscript-based conjectural restorations. The facsimiles incorporate new, much higher resolution images of all 70 folios, over 130 ultraviolet images, and over 750 newly processed backlit images of the more than 1300 that reveal the hundreds of letters covered on the versos by the nineteenth-century restoration frames. The text is completely revised, based closely on and comprehensively illustrated by the single surviving manuscript of Beowulf. As with previous editions, the Third Edition also includes high-resolution images of the entire British Library MS Cotton Vitellius A. xv

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Título uniforme:
Electronic "Beowulf" [ Archivo de ordenador] / edited by Kevin S. Kierman ; programmed by Ionut Emil Iacob
3rd ed
London : British Library, 2011
Descripción física:
1 disco compacto (DVD) ; 12 cm + 1 folleto
Tipo Audiovisual:
Siglo VIII
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