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cover Distributed Creativity [Thi...
Distributed Creativity [Thinking Outside the Box of the Creative Individual

This book challengesthe standard view that creativity comesonly from within an individual by arguing that creativity alsoexists{u2018}outside' of the mind or more precisely, that the human mind extends through the means of action into the world. The notion of {u2018}distributed creativity' is not commonly used within the literature and yet it has the potential to revolutionise the way we think about creativity, from how we define and measure it to what we can practically do to foster and develop creativity. Drawing on cultural psychology, ecological psychology and advances in cognitive science, this book offers a basic framework for the study of distributed creativity that considers three main dimensions of creative work: sociality, materiality and temporality. Starting from the premise that creativity is distributed between people, between people and objects and across time, the book reviews theories and empirical examples that help us unpack each of these dimensions and above all, articulate them into a novel and meaningful conception of creativity as a simultaneously psychological and socio-material process. The volume concludesby examining the practical implications in adopting thisperspective on creativity

Psychology Personality Social psychology Cognitive psychology Community psychology Environmental psychology Psychology Personality and Social Psychology Cognitive Psychology Community and Environmental Psychology


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Distributed Creativity [ Recurso electrónico] : Thinking Outside the Box of the Creative Individual / by Vlad Petre Glaveanu
New York [etc.] : Springer
Descripción física:
VI, 98 p. 1 illus
Mención de serie:
SpringerBriefs in Psychology, 2192-8363
Incluye bibliografía
Distributed creativity: What is it? -- Theoretical background -- A proposed framework -- Creativity and sociality -- Creativity and materiality -- Creativity and temporality -- Where we are and where we go from here
Detalles del sistema:
Modo de acceso: World Wide Web
Fuente de adquisición directa:
Springer (e-Books)
9783319054346 978-3-319-05434-6
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
SpringerBriefs in Psychology, 2192-8363

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