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cover Combinatorics, Computabilit...
Combinatorics, Computability and Logic : Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, (DMTCS'01)
Springer London 2001

This volume contains the papers presented at the Third Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Conference (DMTCS1), which was held at 'Ovidius'University Constantza, Romania in July 2001. The conference was open to all areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, and the papers contained within this volume cover topics such as: abstract data types and specifications; algorithms and data structures; automata and formal languages; computability, complexity and constructive mathematics; discrete mathematics, combinatorial computing and category theory; logic, nonmonotonic logic and hybrid systems; molecular computing

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Combinatorics, Computability and Logic : Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, (DMTCS'01) / edited by C.S. Calude, M.J. Dinneen, S. Sburlan
London : Springer London, 2001
Descripción física:
1 online resource (x, 251 pages)
Mención de serie:
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Invited papers -- Early Computer Science Adventures of a Mathematician -- Sequentially Continuity in Constructive Mathematics -- Recursive Functions: An Archeological Look -- The Number of Graphs and Digraphs with a Fixed Diameter and Connectivity -- Contributed papers -- Some Results for Some Conjectures in Addition Chains -- A Highly Random Number -- Dini's Theorem: A Constructive Case Study -- Even Linear Simple Matrix Languages: Formal Language Aspects -- Pseudo-BCK Algebras: An Extension of BCK Algebras -- P-Immune Sets with Holes Lack Self-Reducibility Properties -- Lex Ideals of Generalized MV-Algebras -- Armstrong Systems on Ordered Sets -- Unicycle Bipartite Graphs with Only Uniquely Restricted Maximum Matchings -- On Relax-ability of Word-Order by D-grammars -- On the Structure of Linear Cellular Automata -- Monotonically Computable Real Numbers -- Apartness as a Relation Between Subsets -- How Large is the Set of Disjunctive Sequences? -- A Loopless Generation of Bitstrings without p Consecutive Ones -- Greedy Algorithms for the Lower and Upper Chromatic Numbers
9781447107170 ( electronic bk.)
1447107179 ( electronic bk.)
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science

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