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cover Lattice Functions and Equat...
Lattice Functions and Equations
Springer London 2001

Lattice (Boolean) functions are algebraic functions defined over an arbitrary lattice (Boolean algebra), while lattice (Boolean) equations are equations expressed in terms of lattice (Boolean) functions. This self-contained monograph surveys recent developments of Boolean functions and equations, as well as lattice functions and equations in more general classes of lattices; a special attention is paid to consistency conditions and reproductive general solutions. The contents include: - equational compactness in semilattices and Boolean algebras; - the theory of Post functions and equations (which is very close to that of Boolean functions and equations); - a revision of Boolean fundamentals; - closure operators on Boolean functions; - the decomposition of Boolean functions; - quadratic truth equations; - Boolean differential calculus; - Boolean geometry and other topics. There is also a chapter on equations in a very general sense. Applications refer to graph theory, automata theory, synthesis of circuits, fault detection, databases, marketing and others

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Lattice Functions and Equations / by Sergiu Rudeanu
London : Springer London, 2001
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xi, 435 pages)
Mención de serie:
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Includes bibliographical references (pages 407-427) and index
Exotic Equations -- Universal Algebra -- Lattices -- Equational Compactness of Lattices and Boolean Algebras -- Post Algebras -- A Revision of Boolean Fundamentals -- Closure Operators on Boolean Functions -- Boolean Transformations -- More on Solving Boolean Equations -- Boolean Differential Calculus -- Decomposition of Boolean Functions -- Boolean-based Mathematics -- Miscellanea -- Applications -- Appendix 1: Decomposition of Boolean functions and applications: a bibliography -- Appendix 2: Open problems -- Appendix 3: Errata to BFE
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
9781447102410 ( electronic bk.)
144710241X ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: 9781852332662
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science

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