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cover Network Algebra / by Gheorg...
Network Algebra
Springer London 2000

Network Algebra considers the algebraic study of networks and their behaviour. It contains general results on the algebraic theory of networks, recent results on the algebraic theory of models for parallel programs, as well as results on the algebraic theory of classical control structures. The results are presented in a unified framework of the calculus of flownomials, leading to a sound understanding of the algebraic fundamentals of the network theory. The term 'network' is used in a broad sense within this book, as consisting of a collection of interconnecting cells, and two radically different specific interpretations of this notion of networks are studied. One interpretation is additive, when only one cell is active at a given time - this covers the classical models of control specified by finite automata or flowchart schemes. The second interpretation is multiplicative, where each cell is always active, covering models for parallel computation such as Petri nets or dataflow networks. More advanced settings, mixing the two interpretations are included as well. Network Algebra will be of interest to anyone interested in network theory or its applications and provides them with the results needed to put their work on a firm basis. Graduate students will also find the material within this book useful for their studies

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Network Algebra / by Gheorghe Stefanescu
London : Springer London, 2000
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xvi, 400 pages)
Mención de serie:
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-390) and index
An Introduction to Network Algebra: Short Overview on the key results. Network Algebra and its applications -- Relations, Flownomials and Abstract Networks: Networks modulo graph isomorphism. Algebraic models for branching constants. Network behaviour. Elgot theories. Kleene theories -- Algebraic Theory of Special Networks: Flowchart schemes. Automata. Process Algebra. Dataflow Networks. Petri Nets -- Towards an Algebraic Theory for Software Components: Mixed Network Algebra. Related Calculi, Closing Remarks -- Appendices -- Bibliography -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- Index
9781447104797 ( electronic bk.)
144710479X ( electronic bk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: 9781852331955
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science

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