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cover The geospatial web : how ge...
The geospatial web : how geobrowsers, social software and the Web 2.0 are shaping the network society
Springer ©2007

The Geospatial Web will have a profound impact on managing knowledge, structuring work flows within and across organizations. The enabling technologies for the Geospatial Web are geo-browsers such as NASA World Wind, Google Earth and Microsoft Live Local 3D. This book summarizes research on the Geospatial Web's technical foundations

Electronic books Geographic information systems. Geographic information systems.


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The geospatial web : how geobrowsers, social software and the Web 2.0 are shaping the network society / Arno Scharl and Klaus Tochtermann (eds.).
London : Springer, ©2007
Descripción física:
1 online resource (xiv, 295 pages) : illustrations, maps
Mención de serie:
Advanced information and knowledge processing, 1610-3947
Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-286) and index
Foreword -- Preface -- Table of contents -- List of authors -- FOUNDATIONS OF THE GEOSPATIAL WEB. Towards the geospatial web: media platforms for managing geotagged knowledge repositories -- Infrastructure for the geospatial web -- Imaging on the geospatial web using JPEG 2000 -- What's so special about spatial? -- NAVIGATING THE GEOSPATIAL WEB. Conceptual search: incorporating geospatial data into semantic queries -- Location-based web search -- Ubiquitous browsing of the world -- Spatiotemporal-thematic data processing for the semantic web -- BUILDING THE GEOSPATIAL WEB. A semantic approach for geospatial information extraction from unstructured documents -- Enhancing RSS feeds with extracted geospatial information for further processing and visualization -- A supervised machine learning approach to toponym disambiguation -- GEOSPATIAL COMMUNITIES. Geospatial information integration for science activity planning at the Mars Desert Research Station -- Inferences of social and spatial communities over the World Wide Web -- Participating in the geospatial web: collaborative mapping, social networks and participatory GIS -- Sharing, discovering and browsing geotagged pictures on the World Wide Web -- Supporting geo-semantic web communities with the DBin platform: use cases and perspectives -- ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS. A geospatial web platform for natural hazard exposure assessment in the insurance sector -- Development, implementation and application of the WebGIS MossMet -- European air quality mapping through interpolation with application to exposure and impact assessment -- Introduction to ubiquitous cartography and dynamic geovisualization with implications for disaster and crisis management -- Fire alerts for the geospatial web -- GEOSPATIAL WEB SERVICES. Geospatial web services: the evolution of geospatial data infrastructure -- SWING- a semantic framework for geospatial services -- Similarity-based retrieval for geospatial semantic web services specified using the Web Service Modeling Language (WSML-Core) -- Geospatial data integration with semantic web services: the eMerges approach -- Bibliography -- Online resources -- Index
Copyright/Depósito Legal:
488907729 646047025 777970297 880112142 902398115 987636887 994812701 1005781496 1035690772 1044278129 1056335582 1058671802 1060803868 1061014108 1066496068 1069538701 1073061136
1846288266 ( hbk.)
9781846288265 ( hbk.)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Print version: Geospatial web., London : Springer, ©2007 9781846288265 1846288266 (DLC) 2007926113 (OCoLC)85691982
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Advanced information and knowledge processing. 1610-3947

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