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Chaos in the Contact Zone Unpredictability, Improvisation and the Struggle for Control in Cultural Encounters
transcript Verlag 2017

Cultural encounters are often being stylized not only as experiences of uncontrollability and unpredictability par excellence, but also as challenges to planning and predicting. The history, the different forms and the consequences of this phenomenon are the main issues discussed in this volume. The contributions show that chaos and control are not mutually exclusive in the "contact zone" (Mary Louise Pratt); on the contrary, they stand in relation to each other - be it as a competence or as an interpretive scheme


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Chaos in the Contact Zone Unpredictability, Improvisation and the Struggle for Control in Cultural Encounters / Stephanie Wodianka, Christoph Behrens
1st ed
Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2017
Descripción física:
1 online resource (253 pages) : illustrations
Tipo Audiovisual:
Contact Zone
Cultural Diversity
Cultural Encounters
Cultural Studies
Cultural Theory
Mención de serie:
Edition Kulturwissenschaft ; 94
Includes bibliographical references
Frontmatter 1 Table of Contents 5 The Emergence and Domestication of Chaos in the Contact Zone 7 The "Jewish Indian Theory" 19 On the Cultural Coding of Skin Colour in Early Modern Contact Zones 43 Islands in the Maelstrom 59 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 81 Walking Backwards to the Future, Facing the Past 109 Many Worlds, Many Stories 133 The Contingency of Cultural Negotiations in Cross-Border Networks 159 Unexpected Outcomes of the Portuguese Encounter in Sri Lanka 179 Enriching Repertoires 201 From Early Country Blues to Rap 221 Authors 247
Formato físico adicional:
Issued also in print
Nota biográfica o histórica:
1\u Stephanie Wodianka, born in 1971, is Professor for French and Italian Literature at Rostock University. She was the spokesperson of the graduate school 'Cultural Encounters and the Discourses of Scholarship' as well as of the university's Department 'Knowledge - Power - Transformation' and founding member of the current Rostock graduate school 'Hermeneutic Power'. Her research focuses on comparative perspectives of myth theory, memory cultures, early modern devotional literature as well as the relationship between literature and art in nineteenth-century literary texts
2\u Christoph Behrens teaches French and Italian literary studies at the University of Rostock. His main areas of research are the interrelation between aesthetic and sociocultural practices of love, gender and queer theories in (Romance) philology as well as the the interweaving of literature and the 'other arts'
In English
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Culture & theory

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