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High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems
Springer Netherlands 2008

Various approaches for finding optimal values for the parameters of analog cells, like op amps, have been investigated since the mid-1980s, and they have made their entrance in commercial applications. However, a larger impact on the performance is expected if tools are developed which operate on a higher abstraction level and consider multiple architectural choices to realize a particular functionality. High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems examines the opportunities, conditions, problems, solutions and systematic methodologies for this new generation of analog CAD tools. A new design paradigm is defined for high-level synthesis of AMS systems: the high-level design flow based on generic behavior. This design approach involves a modeling strategy using generic behavioral models and a synthesis strategy leading to the exploration of a heterogeneous design space containing different architectures. In High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems, two novel generic behavioral models are described. The first one adopts a time-domain approach and is suited for classes like Delta-Sigma modulators and sampled-data systems. For the second model, a new frequency-domain framework has been developed (the Phase- Frequency Transfer model) which allows the representation of classes of RF systems like front-ends of wireless receivers. To complete the high-level design strategy, the synthesis strategy has been concretized with a new top-down heterogeneous optimization algorithm. The general high-level design methodology for AMS systems and its concrete applications developed in this book serve as a fundamental framework for a new generation of analog CAD tools. By providing support for automated design space exploration at the architectural level, they realize an increase in design productivity


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High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems [ Recurso electrónico-En línea] / by Ewout S. J. Martens, Georges G. E. Gielen
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2008
Descripción física:
Tipo Audiovisual:
Computer science
Systems engineering
Circuits and Systems
Processor Architectures
Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation
Mención de serie:
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing Series
Documento fuente:
Springer eBooks
Nota general:
Engineering (Springer-11647)
Restricciones de acceso:
Accesible sólo para usuarios de la UPV
Tipo recurso electrónico:
Recurso a texto completo
Detalles del sistema:
Forma de acceso: Web
9781402068027 978-1-4020-6802-7
SpringerLink (Servicio en línea)
Enlace a formato físico adicional:
Printed edition: 9781402068010
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing Series


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