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cover Agriculture and food produc...
Agriculture and food production
Elsevier 2002

This volume of Applied Mycology and Biotechnology completes the set of two volumes dedicated to the coverage of recent developments on the theme ""Agriculture and Food Production"". The first volume provided overview on fungal physiology, metabolism, genetics and biotechnology and highlighted their connection with particular applications to food production. The second volume examines various specific applications of mycology and fungal biotechnology to food production and processing. In the second volume coverage on two remaining areas of the theme, food crop production and applications in the

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Agriculture and food production [ electronic resource] / edited by George G. Khachatourians, Dilip K. Arora
London : Elsevier, 2002
Descripción física:
1 online resource (361 p.)
Mención de serie:
Applied mycology and biotechnology ; 2
Nota general:
Description based upon print version of record
Includes bibliographical references and index
Front Cover; Applied Mycology and Biotechnology; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Editorial Board for Volume 2; Contributors; Chapter 1. Brewer's Yeast: Genetics and Biotechnology; Chapter 2. Genetic Diversity of Yeasts in Wine Production; Chapter 3. Fungal Carotenoids; Chapter 4. Edible Fungi: Biotechnological Approaches; Chapter 5. Single Cell Proteins from Fungi and Yeasts; Chapter 6. Cereal Fermentation by Fungi; Chapter 7. Mycotoxins Contaminating Cereal Grain Crops: Their Occurrence and Toxicity; Chapter 8. Emerging Strategies to Control Fungal Diseases in Vegetables
Chapter 9. Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and VegetablesChapter 10. Biological Weed Control with Pathogen: Search for Candidates to Applications; Chapter 11. Biotechnology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas; Chapter 12. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi as Biostimulants and Bioprotectants of Crops; Keyword Index
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Applied mycology and biotechnology (CKB)1000000000292378 (DLC) (OCoLC) 1874-5334
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Applied Mycology and Biotechnology

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