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cover Fungal genomics [edited by ...
Fungal genomics
Elsevier 2004

Research in the genomics of a handful of fungi has matured at an unprecedented rate allowing comprehensive review. Developments in fungal genomics should be of great significance to new strategies in fields where disciplinary crossovers of fungal genomics, genes and their regulation, expression, and engineering will have a strong impact in dealing with agriculture, foods, natural resources, life sciences, biotechnology, informatics, metabolomics, pharmaceuticals and bioactive compounds. This volume analyzes the commonly used molecular markers systems, and elaborates the development of

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Fungal genomics [ electronic resource] / edited by Dilip K. Arora, George G. Khachatourians
Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier, 2004
Descripción física:
1 online resource (433 p.)
Mención de serie:
Applied mycology and biotechnology ; 4
Nota general:
Description based upon print version of record
Includes bibliographical references and index
Front Cover; Applied Mycology and Biotechnology; Copyright Page; Editorial Board for Volume 4; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. The Development of Genetic Markers from Fungal Genome Initiatives; Chapter 2. Inferring Process from Pattern in Fungal Population Genetics; Chapter 3. Molecular and Genetic Basis of Plant-Fungal Pathogen Interactions; Chapter 4. Genomics of Candida albicans; Chapter 5. Molecular Genetics and Genomics of Phytophthora; Chapter 6. Genomics of Phytopathogenic Fusarium; Chapter 7. Genomics of Fusarium venenatum: An Alternative Fungal Host for Making Enzymes
Chapter 8. Molecular Characterization of Rhizoctonia solaniChapter 9. Genomics of Trichoderma; Chapter 10. Genomics of Economically Significant Aspergillus and Fusarium Species; Chapter 11. Penicillium Genomics; Chapter 12. Genomics of Neurospora crassa: From One-Gene-One-Enzyme to 10,000 Genes; Chapter 13. Genetics and Genomics of Mycosphaerella graminicola: A Model for the Dothideales; Chapter 14. Functional Genomic Analysis of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe grisea; Chapter 15. Genomics of Entomopathogenic Fungi; Chapter 16. Genomics of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi; Keyword Index
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Applied mycology and biotechnology (CKB)1000000000292378 (DLC) (OCoLC) 1874-5334
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Applied mycology and biotechnology


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