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cover Fungal genomics [edited by ...
Fungal genomics
Elsevier 2003

The purpose of this volume is to highlight wide-ranging applications of genomics in the area of applied mycology and biotechnology.The volume covers: a brief overview on fungal genomics; meiotic recombination in fungi; molecular genetics of circadian rhythms; genome sequencing; transposable elements; mitochondrial genomes; ribosome biogenesis; pathogenicity genes; genetic improvement of yeasts; microarrays: techniques and applications; fungal germplasm and data bases. Although it is difficult to develop a comprehensive volume on fungal genomics because of the range and complexity of th

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Fungal genomics [ electronic resource] / edited by Dilip K. Arora, George G. Khachatourians
Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier, 2003
Descripción física:
1 online resource (331 p.)
Mención de serie:
Applied mycology and biotechnology ; 3
Nota general:
Description based upon print version of record
Includes bibliographical references and index
Cover; Editorial Board for Volume 3; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1. Fungal Genomics: An Overview; Chapter 2. Meiotic Recombination in Fungi: Mechanisms and Controls of Crossing-over and Gene Conversion; Chapter 3. Molecular Genetics of Circadian Rhythms in Neurospora crassa; Chapter 4. Genome Sequencing, Assembly and Gene Prediction in Fungi; Chapter 5. Fungal Transposable Elements: Inducers of Mutations and Molecular Tools; Chapter 6. Fungal Mitochondrial Genomes, Plasmids and Introns; Chapter 7. Evolution of the Fungi and Mitochondrial Genomes
Chapter 8. Ribosome Biogenesis in Yeast: rRNA Processing and Quality ControlChapter 9. Fungal Pathogenicity Genes; Chapter 10. Genetic Improvement of Baker's Yeasts; Chapter 11. Enzyme Production in Industrial Fungi: Molecular Genetic Strategies for Integrated Strain Improvement; Chapter 12. Global Expression Profiling of the Lignin Degrading Fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora for the Discovery of Novel Enzymes; Chapter 13. Microarrays: Technologies and Applications; Chapter 14. Fungal Germplasm and Databases; Keyword Index
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Applied mycology and biotechnology (CKB)1000000000292378 (DLC) (OCoLC) 1874-5334
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Applied Mycology and Biotechnology

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