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cover Chile's International Schol...
Chile's International Scholarship Programme
OECD Publishing 2010

Chile has long considered education as a central priority and as key for its economic development. Over the past two decades the country has made great strides to increase the numbers of young people entering tertiary education. In 2008 Chile embarked on a bold initiative to develop its human capital with a scholarship abroad scheme - the Becas Chile Programme - which aims to train 30 000 outstanding students including teachers and technicians in institutions of their choice around the world. This joint OECD and World Bank report gives an overview of human capital development in Chile; describes features of the Becas Chile Programme; analyses the strategic and operational issues; and recommends ways to maintain and fine-tune the scholarship abroad scheme. This report will be useful for both Chilean education professionals and their international counterparts


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Chile's International Scholarship Programme [ Recurso electrónico] / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and The World Bank
Paris : OECD Publishing, 2010
Descripción física:
132 p. ; 16x23cm
Tipo Audiovisual:
Mención de serie:
Reviews of National Policies for Education, 1990-0198
Foreword -- Acronyms and Abbreviations -- Executive Summary -- Introduction -- Tertiary Education and R&D Capacity -- Programme Features -- Strategic Issues -- Operational and Institutional Challenges -- Conclusions -- Annex A -- Annex B -- Annex C -- References
Restricciones de acceso:
Acceso restringido a miembros de la UGR
The World Bank
OECD iLibrary
Enlace a otra edición:
Programa Becas Chile 9789264097780. spa
Punto acceso adicional serie-Título:
Reviews of National Policies for Education, 1990-0198

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